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Dog Training Essentials: All About Barking Workshop
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Let's Get Started! (0:45)
What You'll Need
Why Is Your Dog Barking?
The Different Types of Barking
Alert Barking (0:31)
Territorial Barking
Play and Excitement Barking (0:32)
Distress Barking (0:41)
Demand Barking (0:42)
Boredom Barking
Fearful and Reactive Barking
Barking due to Separation Anxiety (0:26)
Barking Due to Old Age (0:43)
Helpful Training Cues
Teaching Your Dog Not to Bark at the Window
Teaching Your Dog the Quiet Cue
Teaching Your Dog Calm Greetings
The Off Duty Hack
Proactive Training to Prevent Demand Barking
Does Ignoring Barking Really Work? - The Truth About "Extinction"
Preventing Boredom Barking
What to Do for Separation Anxiety Barking
What NOT to Do When Teaching Your Dog to Stop Barking
Wrap up
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