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Puppy Essentials: Potty Training Workshop
Welcome to the Puppy Potty Training Workshop!
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Let's Get Started! (0:42)
Shopping List: Helpful Potty Training Products
Set Up for Potty Training Success
Set Your Goals & Expectations (2:21)
How Long Can Your Puppy "Hold It"?
Set Up Your Puppy's Crate & Pen (1:14)
Create a Potty Break Schedule (1:30)
How Mealtimes Affect Potty Training (1:49)
Choose a Potty Spot for Your Puppy (3:27)
Puppy Potty Quiz!
The Nitty Gritty of Potty Training
Introducing the Potty Spot to Your Puppy (1:39)
Take Frequent Potty Breaks
Business Before Pleasure!
Signs That Your Puppy's Gotta Go! (1:28)
Keep a Puppy Potty Log
Nighttime Potty Breaks (1:56)
Expanding Your Puppy's Access
Potty Accidents
What to Do When There's a Potty Accident (1:27)
Why Puppy Potty Accidents Happen
How to Clean Up Potty Accidents Properly
Use a UV Light to Find Potty Accidents
Puppy Potty Quiz #2!
Potty Training Tips & Tricks
Teaching the "Go Potty" Cue (1:31)
Using Door Bells in Potty Training (0:12)
Are Pee Pads a Good Idea? (4:39)
Wrap up
Next Steps!
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Choose a Potty Spot for Your Puppy
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